Friday, 11 November 2016

Antelope Canyon Part 2  

it was cool to see rocks and sand sitting on ledges in the canyon
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as well as a few little bushes growing here and there
this is what it looks like from the surface where you enter and exit the canyon  - you would never know the amazing sights that lie below!

these are dinosaur tracks that have been preserved in the sandstone.

A mile or so down the road you can walk up a big hill and down the big hill and then about a km to horseshoe bend.  This is where the Colorado river forms a horseshoe shape in the rock.  I was the only one who wanted to go so everyone waited on me while I made a hasty trip to get a look and a few pictures.  I definitely got my cardio workout there.

All in all it was a wonderful trip and it leaves me wanting to explore the lake nearby as well as Flagstaff.

1 comment:

  1. Whoa neat about the dino tracks! Would love to wander around here for sure!
