Part 1 | |
We are staying at the Avi RV resort which is across the street from the casino and hotel. The food is so cheap in that hotel that we basically ate there instead of cooking for 3 days. Breakfast was ham and eggs with toast for 99 cents. One morning we were talking to the couple from Washington behind us in the line up for breakfast. They are late 70's, he is a veteran and they have a very interesting story. She was widowed and he was divorced. They married 11 years ago and have lived in their RV ever since. They are actually gold prospectors. He had her ring made out of gold pieces as well as a natural diamond (that was already faceted when he found it) and 2 garnets. How cool is that!
Today, although breezy, was a lot more pleasant. It actually warmed up later in the afternoon as well. It was so nice to get outside, it is quite amazing how much we are used to being outside for most of the day. We went for a drive about 2500 in elevation through Christmas tree pass. The washboard sandy dirt road prevented us from taking the road past Grapevine Canyon. The canyon contains a natural spring and is a very sacred area to the Natives.
This is an idea of the sandstone hills that you see in this area. Along the road there is sand that would turn even the nicest beach green with envy. With the high winds the sand is all smoothed into beautiful little wave patterns.
This is looking toward Laughlin. On the other side of the Colorado River is Bullhead City, Arizona.
This is a close up of the mistletoe that grows on the trees. The birds eat these berries.
These pretty butter colored flowers were everywhere. Looks like a daisy of some sort.
These are desert Marigolds.
Desert Chia. Look at the yellow and white ones in the background. How can it be that this brown desert can push up all these pretty flowers and colors in what seems like overnight?
Can you even believe these yucca flowers can be this beautiful? I had no idea they bloomed like this. The pods open up to a waxy lily like flower that I could not quit looking at.
The brittlebush were just loaded with flowers.
I do not know what these are but they were just such a bright pink you could not fail to notice them.
And speaking of bright pink you could not fail to notice -
To be continued . . .
Wow - the flowering plants are just amazing!