Monday, 7 January 2013

Come to the Flea Market with me!
There is a huge flea market every weekend in Mesa.  There are approximately 400 booths in this huge market selling everything you can imagine.

We really found everything from soup to nuts at this market.  I was looking for a pair of slippers and did not find slippers there but we did not walk the entire market as Don was still not 100% (that being said, he is not a fan of that much shopping on a good day)
 There are numerous stalls with clothes for men, women and children.  These are the prettiest sparkly sweatshirts.
 Yup, can even get a wig!

These are little tiny beads that you set into water, they soak up water and become circles about the size of a dime.  You can use them to put plants in instead of soil, they basically water the plants and you can re-hydrate them a few times until they "wear out"

 I love these so much, they are sparkly glass and there is a motorised gizmo at the top that spins it, it looks like the crystal travels up and down the wire - so pretty!
 There is even sexy lingerie
 These shawl, poncho type things are everywhere.  Seems to be the new style, I am almost tempted . . .
There are at least 4 different stands with tons of Avon

 I saw some kids on these bouncy things - they are like a huge balloon.  Seriously, why don't they make them in XXL I would so like to try one!
 There were a few stalls with really reasonable produce.
 Even underwear
 these were the nicest carved wooden bowls and vases
Can you believe there were even fabric stores?

 There were a lot of crystals and they were amazing and only 4.95
 There were a lot of really awful clothes  LOL
 I loved these petrified wood  pieces.  It reminded me of when we were kids and my dad used to take us out to look for petrified wood pieces.
 this was a shop of all kinds of candies . . .   mmmmm candies!

 Luckily we do not have room for this!  It is the prettiest lit up tree ever
 There are a number of shops with pet items.  This one had a ton of doggie sunglasses and 2 cute little models. They also had these carriers so you could take your dog everywhere!
 I really love all the metal wall hangings as well.
 They had brand name clothes too!  Lotta bling bling going on here!

 this shop was amazing - the table tops are sandstone and the bases are metal.  I just absolutely love these
 These are the salt rock lamps that Kylie and Tami have.
 Of course I thought this was funny!
 There were lots of Mexican type items as well.

Love Love Love this giraffe!

This is just random stuff that I found over the last few days

Ha Ha - Red Solo cups that are re-usable
 MMMMM this is my stuffed french toast from IHOP
 IF I ever get a motorcycle this will be it!  I will add a pink helmet tho
 Look at the thorns on the trunk of that tree!  The branches and trunk had thorns just like a rose bush and the flowers were amazing - almost orchid like.  It is called a Chorisia or Silk floss tree - amazing!


  1. Ok.... so you are going to have to help me carry my bags because I bought:
    The pink sweater with the hummingbird on it.
    The short greyish blonde wig on the bottom right, and the blonde on the top, second from right.
    I did not buy the bouncy balloon but laughed like heck at your comment.
    I bought 6 bags of artichokes and all kinds of squash and produce for stir fry,
    Bras. 6 for $25 What are you kidding me??? So I took 12 please and thank you.
    Adult bibs? I... I am not sure if this is a novelty item or something that is quite popular in the senior's community. So I bought 10 just in case there is something I don't know about for the future.
    I bought a couple of those bags of dried veggies because you said they were so good.
    I didn't buy any of the awful clothes because I already have lots.
    Petrified wood. Now that brings a smile to my face. Funny about that memory because I have it too. I don't know how dad was so good at finding that stuff but he always seemed to be able to.
    I can only imagine how much my shoulders would hurt if I carried my doggies everywhere. I did inquire as to whether they had backpacks for people that could strap on to your dogs so THEY could carry YOU everywhere.
    I totally bought that wine metal wall hanging because it's just adorable.
    Where you don't Peso much. GROAN!!!
    I wonder what a person would be thinking to buy washable disposable cups. Passed on those and so was able to have a double helping of that strawberry whipped cream thing below.

    Oh man... that WAS a fun shopping trip. Can we go again next week???

  2. I love your comments! so funny, and when I bring you the pink sweatshirt you gotta wear it LOL
