Thursday, 29 November 2012

This was an amazing day!

We are staying at the Havasu RV Resort.  It is such a beautiful resort!

A lot of the spots at this resort are actually individually owned.  Basically you buy the lot and then pay a monthly fee.  They have strict controls on what you put on the lots and what not which keeps this place looking really nice.  A lot of people have casitas  - which is kind of like a fancy garage that can have washer and dryer as well as kitchen sink and cupboard space and even a bathroom. Then they have an outdoor cook area with seating and heaters.  Super nice!

our spot has a palm tree  LOL - it also has lots of nice sunshine when I sit on my lawn chair on the cement pad.
Today I sat there until I got hot , then I walked about a block to one of the 2 outdoor pools.  Had the whole pool all to myself  - it was the cleanest pool I have ever been in.  Looking forward to that again tomorrow!

We went to IHOP for breakfast. I have never been there and it was really great - I tried the carrot cake pancakes mmmm.
After that we went for a walk along the London Bridge.
 You know the old nursery rhyme - London Bridges falling down?   Well this is it!  The original London bridge was built in London, England between 1176 and 1209. By the end of the 18th century it was replaced.  This bridge began sinking an inch every 8 years. It had not been designed for 20th century traffic so in 1967 they put it up for sale.

It was purchased by an entrepreneur and founder ofLake Havasu City .  Each block was meticulously numbered before the bridge was disassembled.  The blocks were shipped overseas through the Panama Canal to California and then trucked from Long Beach to Arizona where it was reconstructed in Lake Havasu City in 1971.

 This gate was also purchased and is part of this beautiful park.
 Don kept asking me to back up  hmmmmm

We also went shopping (well looking) -they have really nice shops here.  It was a great day! 
 These are oleanders, they are everywhere and bloom their little brains out.  They are also very poisonous.
Do not know what these are but they are beautiful, the whole vine is covered with these beautiful fuscia flowers.


  1. Oh wow! Of course I am drawn to the flora and fauna by nature. The oleanders are beautiful and that other plant with the red bracts and little white blossoms is a Bougainvillea. So pretty - I wish I could see.
    The London Bridge is awesome! I had actually heard that story but didn't realize that is where it was located.
    I hope you will be there for a bit to finally set a spell by the cee-ment ponds. haha
    Looking forward to more pics!

    1. heh - I knew you would know what kind of flowers those were. They are the most amazing flowers - the vines are covered! We are here a week and I can imagine that we will be back, it would be a great place to spend the whole winter.

  2. Too bad you have to exercise in the pool instead of with a snow shovel! Weather looks awesome with all the beautiful flowers. We are so jealous. Do you barbeque a lot?

    1. We have been extremely lucky with the weather. It has been hotter than normal. I was thinking of you guys - you would love it here! golfing, and just a real nice relaxed atmosphere but lots to see and do. Don bbqs quite a bit - easier than doing a bunch of dishes. I use a lot of tin foil LOL
